Category : Articles
LGBT & Religion; Yet Another Perspective by MAAZ MAHMOOD
I would like to put in my two cents to Dr. Satyapal’s recent article regarding same sex marriages and transgenders. Let’s talk straight to the...
More Provinces for Pakistan by AHSAN WARSI
Census has been completed in Pakistan after 8 years delay of its scheduled time but its details haven’t been made public yet. According to an...
Humanitarian costs of operations in FATA by AIMAL KHATTAK
Part -1 The news about the prevalence of high rates of Post Trauma Stress Disorder (PTSD) among tribesman is very alarming and once...
Establishment or Anti-Establishment; Myths & Ironies by WAQAR QURESHI
(Please note that this article has been written in Pakistani perspective) It is pretty “in” these days to talk of “establishment” not just in Pakistan...
GAYS AND NOT SO GAYS by Satyapal Anand
Is there any logic for a law in the bedroom? From Greece to Rome to the medieval and modern times in Europe (not so particularly)...
Pakistan: A Body with Lost Soul by IMRAN BUKHARI
Everything is created with a purpose. When the creation loses it functionality or it stops serving its purpose, it is discarded or disposed off. This...
Rejected——–Dilemma of the Misconceptions About Male Dominance in Pakistan
As far as remembered, we used to listen a clear and loud message everywhere every time that Pakistan is a pure male dominant society. Now...
“Social Anger and Apathy in Pakistan” (4) by AKHTER ALI SYED
A Psychopathological Perspective in Neo-Colonial Era. The thesis shall be published in episodes. A detail of references shall be given in the last episode. Notion of...
Qandeel Baloch; Rebel or A Victim by SYED ALI MOHSIN
Qandeel Baloch (may Almighty Allah grant her Jannah and this article is not about issuing a decree, whether she deserves heaven or hell) was a...
I saw him right after my birth and I still see him. People say he died 29 year ago this very date but I still...
“Panama Papers and the Corruptions” —-Ali J Zaidi
In April 2016, a giant leak of more than 11.5 million financial and legal records, the Panama Papers, exposed a system that enables crime, corruption...
“Racism” by Hilde Jacobs
What does it mean if a young guy from Pakistan is posting racist comments or pictures on his Facebook page? He should mind that some...
Turnover of the employees means how many employees passes through the gate of the organization means how many employees leave the organization and how many...
“Nawaz Sharif; A Burden of History” by SYED ALI MOHSIN
Politics in Pakistan has become a metaphor of corruption, cronyism, malfeasance, nepotism and wrongdoing. The more crooked you are, the more you have chances to...
“Role of education in social transformation” by AMMAR YASIR
Social transformation is a shift in collective consciousness of a society. It is a change in norms, values, thinking of the people, as well as...
“Biased Journalism” by Sheharyar Bhatti
Journalism is considered to be as one of the difficult profession in the all over the world as journalist present their point of view or...
“LET ME CONTEMPT THE COURT” by Aarti Tikoo Singh
This might be seen or read as contempt of court. So be it. The Supreme Court of India, the highest court of the country, has...
“Non-existence of Career counseling in Pakistan” by Ain ul Haq
It’s a common term used in west by parents and growing generation starting or continuing their schools. In depth the term is used to guide...
“An Open Letter to Nawaz” by AATIF AFZAL
I have campaigned and voted against you in every general and local bodies election since 1993 General Elections of Pakistan. Disliked your conservative politics, undemocratic...
“Dilemma of policy making in Pakistan” BY Aimal Khattak
With no sign of ending of violence in the south and central Asian region and peaceful resolution of the ongoing conflicts, the need for policy...