Dialogue Times


I am a lover, and I deal in love. Sow flowers, so your surroundings become a garden
Dont sow thorns, for they will prick your feet. We are all one body, whoever tortures
another wounds himself–Rahman Baba (A sufi poet)

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It is so heartbreaking to know that the world is in such mischief. There are many humans but I can’t see any humanity. Allah created this universe for the humans to worship Him, not for worshipping satan. We humans are a great failure in this world, because we have achieved all our goals such as wealth. But we have failed to achieve the love of Allah and Rasool(SAWS). There are many reasons why this universe is still running and Allah is showering His blessings upon us, and one of the reason is “ Ethical People”

“Believe it or not” The main reason we are still alive and blessed is due to the people who are always connected with Allah, asking for forgiveness, and those people are called “Sufi”. They are the people of Allah and Rasool(SAWS), those people has no connection with the world affairs, they only have connection and are concerned with Spiritual affairs.

Such a sufi was born in a family, where he had 3 brothers and 2 sisters. Islam had no importance in that family,  the only thing which was significant to that family was “Wealth”. When he was 4 years old, his grandfather gifted him spiritualism. The journey of sufism started from his great grandfather. Look now the important thing to note here is that, why did his grandfather gave him such a  special gift? why not to his other 3 brothers and 2 sisters?. The answer is ”

And [remember, O Muhammad], when those who disbelieved plotted against you to restrain you or kill you or evict you [from Makkah]. But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners.”(8:30) Surah  Al-Anfal

Allah is the best of planners. He knows what to do and what not.  He is the Creator of this Mankind, then how can we ever question Allah, Who Has Created Man From A Clot Of Congealed Blood  He has left his people in this universe to handle difficult situations, As we all know Holy Prophet(SAWS) is the seal of prophets, but it doesn’t means after him no good person is created. But it is only that the prophethood has ended.

So to continue the story, as the time passed the Sufi grew and became more knowledgeable.  He started to research about other people who were God loving, and were in the field of spiritualism. As a young man, he was interested in Islamic books, and Islamic history. He was not having any interest in any other books except islamic. As we all know, as a child gets mature, his interests develops in unethical fields. But surprisingly, this young man had the dedication to achieve the knowledge of Islam only. The concept of “Peer” and “Mureed” in the world of sufism is developed. He was the mureed(student) of a great known Peer(teacher), from where he got many spiritual powers and due to the reason of his peer, he further established himself in the way of Allah and Rasool(SAWS).

Later then he got married, and Allah blessed him with a baby boy. It is narrated by his Son that, Before his child was born, it was nighttime, and he was praying ” Ya Allah, Bless me with a great son, A son who is Aashiq-E-Rasool(Lover of Prophet Muhammad). A son who cries in the love for you and the love for your Prophet. A son who is most worshipping, and most loving. Give him the powers which nobody has. Show him the path of Surat ul Mustaqeem. Ya Allah, I just don’t need a son only, I want a son, who is Aashiq-E-Rasool”. And that night, he saw in his dream,

There were 20+ Sahaba Karam, who brought the child and they told him that “Allah has accepted your Dua and He really loved what you have prayed for”

As you can see what that sufi prayed for, and what acceptance did he got. Isn’t this astonishing?

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Later in his marriage life, he was facing too much difficulties. He started to have heart problem, his kidneys were affected. He was in pain since 25 years of his life, but still he was stick to Allah And Rasool(SAWS).His brothers and sisters left him in the middle of nowhere. He was financially really weak and nobody helped him except one brother, who was Allah-fearing. He helped him and supported him all the way. His family considered him a psycho, because he was  worshipping Allah day and night. He didn’t belonged to such a family, where Islam had no importance. But it was only a test from Allah, And always remember Allah only test those and put them in such difficulties whom He loves. As Allah said in Quran ” And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient”. (2:155) Surah Al-Baqarah.

The sufi did not gave up, and day and night he started worshipping more and more. He believed that one day Allah will reward him for his patience. He was crying, tears rolling down from his eyes only in the love for Allah And Rasool(SAWS). He spent all his life crying in the way of Allah And Rasool. Nobody knows, where he is now, and where he was at that time.

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My people, nobody know’s what happened next. This was a really short story, which i heard and decide to write about it. But as you can read, if you believe in Allah, nothing is impossible. Have faith and have patience be dedicated towards Allah, truly you will find the way of righteousness. Your life will be prospered. And remember, if you decided to make friendship with Allah, then get ready for being tested. Because friendship with Allah is not easy enough. You have to face and come across many difficulties in order to get friendship of Allah. and my question  for this world, If your Aashiq-E-Rasool, and you fear from Allah, and spend all your life in the way of Allah worshipping Him and Praising him. Is that to consider that person a psycho? So what if he is not wealthy enough, not enough educated. But what they do for Allah and in the way of islam is unbelievable.


     “Islam and Sufism are one. Teaching that to understand Islam one must be a lover, how can one understand Islam when the heart is empty of love.” 



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