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Is Ludo star is conspiracy of RAW? by WAQAR AZEEM

A BIG RUMOR now a days overwhelmingly circled in Pakistan is that the game “Ludo Star” is a Image result for RAW AGENCYconspiracy of RAW, the Indian Secret service. According to the strong rumor, the purpose of Ludo star is to get pictures, voice samples and contacts of Pakistanis who play the game so the Indian Secret agency RAW can use them for their purpose. Lots of people are deleting Ludo Star after this propaganda. Being a true Pakistani, it is my moral duty to tell my fellow countrymen about the real truth so that some mentally  retards may not play with innocent people’s mind.

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Ludo is a favorite game in the Indo-Pak Subcontinent. I can surely say that this game is more famous in Pakistan than India. We are playing this game since our childhood. Unfortunately none of the Pakistani developers could build a near to perfection Ludo game which work with internet to challenge others. I Image result for luddoam not saying that Pakistani developer cannot make this kind of game, but may be it was never their priority. Now some Indian Developers took this huge step and achieved a milestone. Instead of regretting that why we were not able or did not think to create something like this as we were more close to this game, some India Eccentric people start spreading rumors and propaganda about this game so that people get scared and abstain from making this game a success.

I must elaborate that every game app which we download from the Google’s play store or IOS App Store is made of coding and some other elements like graphic designing etc. Developers when finish their job, submit their app or game to the store and the relevant authorities or people responsible do not approve Image result for ludo starand publish that game or app immediately. They take their time, they test that app or game with their Pre-defined standards and protocols to make sure that the app or game is totally safe for every device. There will be no virus or Trojan in devices to make way for hackers and game or app’s output is matching with the given description. Moreover, Google’s App Store and IOS App Store are billion dollar companies. They don’t know RAW or ISI and they don’t care about Cold War of Indo-Pak. They simply do their job. Whatever app or game will pass their quality test and protocols that will be published on their store.

So my dear Patriots, it is a beautiful game which remind us our childhood, gathers some old friend and gave us opportunity to spend some joyful and quality time. Ignore any rumors and propaganda spread by anyone about a game which brings back the memories of childhood. Let governments be at wars and let the people play Luddo, a Dialogue of games. Just enjoy your time.

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