Guest ArticlesSAME-SEX MARRIAGE & HINDUISM by BY MADHURI SHEKAR & HARI VENKATACHALAMDialogue TimesAugust 27, 2017 by Dialogue TimesAugust 27, 20170 FROM THE STONEWALL RIOTS IN NEW YORK back in 1969 to the recent legalization of same-sex marriages, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues have been... Read more
Articles OpinionsGAYS AND NOT SO GAYS by Satyapal Anand Dialogue TimesAugust 20, 2017August 29, 2021 by Dialogue TimesAugust 20, 2017August 29, 20210 Is there any logic for a law in the bedroom? From Greece to Rome to the medieval and modern times in Europe (not so particularly)... Read more