I would like to put in my two cents to Dr. Satyapal’s recent article regarding same sex marriages and transgenders. Let’s talk straight to the point. LGBTs act upon natural instincts. There are two choices to accept them. Either take them as people with irregular psychological sexual behaviors or accept them as folks with deliberate non traditional choice of sexual preferences when it comes to opt for their partners. In first case that’s the way they’re programmed by nature. In second scenario they use a choice provided to them by nature. Sooner or later we will have to accept and accommodate them.
Regardless of considerations to accommodate them we mustn’t ignore an important fact that sex itself is a taboo in our eastern society. The central idea about the subject topic being taboo is its prohibition in
The conclusion, I would like to draw is simple fact that every divine framework tends to promote its expansion. Same sex relationship comes on the wag and hence the complete idea is rejected and dissed by every divine set of rules. LGBTs are discouraged not because it’s against the norms but because they apparently hit the core delimitation of religion itself by limiting upcoming generation count. Norms change, Principles to spread religions don’t. The world we’re living in clearly understands the importance of gap between two consecutive deliveries. Never had been this focused by any of religions. Why? Again as it resists the idea of natural expansion of religious peers.
We must come out of taboos!
We must get rid of the taboos. Killing or isolating LGBTs might comply with extended versions of religion (something that’s seldom followed today) but for sure it’s against the core of last Abrahamic religion that revolves around peace and humanity and where a single murder is analogous to abandonment of the whole lot of humanity. Islam condemns isolation and division between Muslim brotherhood, we mustn’t forget.